Thursday, January 19, 2012

Weekly Weigh-In and Update 1/19

I was convinced this week I wouldn't see a loss. 
I was vacillating between 188-189 all week, which was kinda annoying considering how very hard I had been trying.
{These are the things that can really get you considering what the point of all the might be}
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BUT this morning I was relieved and excited to see 186.5, finally! Come on body, get in the groove por favor!

So another lb and a half this week! Yeah!

Slowly but surely!!!

Here are some motivating images for you....
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  1. I can't weigh myself every day, or even every week. I get super focused on a number, if I do that. I try to tell myself that I'm making a healthier, leaner me & that is most important...the number will follow. I keep weigh ins to about once a month.

    Good job on your loss, one to two pounds a week is healthiest, and a good way to keep it off, so good job you! ;)

  2. Yeah girl!!! :) I love your's so true that we need to look at how far we have come, instead of looking at how far we need to go. Keep up this amazing attitude!
