Thursday, March 22, 2012

Weekly Weigh-In & Update: 3/22/2012

Today I am at....
Yeah I lost 1.5 lbs this week, yeah!!

So let me fill you in with how I am doing, really.

I am still trying, but I am slacking a bit for sure, even though trying to be aware.

I was having a huge craving since about this time last week for a shake that they make at Good Times.

You know the one with peanuts, peanut butter, chocolate and all that.

YEAH, that one.
So I made the decision I was going to have one, on Saturday, after my long run, as a treat.

And that night I was so tired my husband just got us dinner from there. Usually NOT such a good thing.

I decided to just have him get me a kids meal. So I had the cheeseburger, the fries, and the shake.

I think this is a good lesson for me, because I can eat these things in moderation...SOMETIMES!

Last week I tracked my calories on Spark People and I think I have decided I  will track them every other week just to keep them in line.
There is something I really like about doing this on my own and not on any program, it helps me rely on my brain rather than a system that I am not sure how really works, but I lose weight on it. I feel like learning to know how much I can eat and still lose is empowering.

I am still nervous about when the day comes when I am not running anymore, but again, I can't worry about that until I cross that bridge.

I really want to kick things up for April.

It looks like I am on track to have lost 5 maybe 6 lbs for the month of March, which is great...but I really wanted to be 165 by my marathon. So if I can the full 2lbs every week I should be able to make that especially with my most training happening in these next few weeks. So, I may need to be a little more vigilant and try to add a few more workouts in...if I can keep my eyes open.
Thanks, cause I'm slow or slower. 
This training makes me SO tired-slash-STARVING!!!

Will keep you posted...

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