Thursday, April 5, 2012

Weekly Weigh-In & Update: 4/05/2012

Today when I weighed this morning I was 175.1 or something over 175, I forget the exact.

Frustrating for sure, but when I weighed after running I was about 173.6...that's better. At least I know its a lot of the water weight. I still am not going to count any weight loss tho, until it's official and not running loss.

I feel nervous about the weight loss for some reason. I think because I am hungry and I want some treats and I am not tracking. I am trying to be aware still about it, not just eating mindlessly, but still feel weird about it.
starts in the mind
I am trying to really focus on hitting my next big goal, which I decided is 10 lbs. I decided to make sure I am drinking all my water, or at least 64 oz a day. I also decided to try to do things that will help me accumulate more calorie defecit every day and actually DO my cross training days that are on my marathon scheduling, which I haven't. 

On Monday I did reps of lunges, squats, planks, burpees, etc and I STILL hurt from that. I decided maybe I won't work my legs so hard with all the running. Instead I will work on my arms and core and then do a few jumping jacks and stand more than I usually do, just to add a few more kick ups to the loss.

I believe that is why not seeing an obvious loss this week is annoying, I mean adding all that in and for goodness sake I ran 23 miles over the weekend alone, plus 9 on Tuesday...blah. Maybe I will have a loss tomorrow. 
So true.
Anyways, I need to track, I know that will help and I am not sure why I am rebelling against it.

My marathon is one month away tomorrow, I can't believe it. I feel awesome about it right now and I am excited, about it and about vacation!!

Until next week....

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