Thursday, March 29, 2012

Month 4 Update Officially down 25lbs!!

My weight as of this morning was 174.6, which means I am under 175 and that is 25 lbs lost. Yeah!

I was dreading today all day yesterday. It is such a mind game for me. So worried I won't see a loss and feeling super peckish all day too. It is so weird how it effects my whole mood, I really need to work on that or think more about why I allow it to effect me so much. 

So my stats of today are.

Down 3" from last month.

Hips 43
Waist 36
R Thigh 24
R Bicep 13
Chest 38.5

and here are my pics from today. Even braving the sports bra for you all! ahhhhhh!

and here I am with clothes, ha ha

I am not losing as fast as I would like to, and I probably won't be 165 by the marathon...
but I am losing and I will at least be 170 which will still be HUGE for me.

It's still losing, even if it is slow.


  1. Yay!! I am so proud of you...I told you that those abs were rockin!! You are doing a great job {slow and steady wins the race}. :)

  2. ahhh you are so gorgeous & you can definitely see a huge difference!!!!
